When contacting me about a particular photo(s),
always refer to the Post Date, Photo Number and Description.
[Photo #1 is always at the top of the posting]
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then hit the ESC (escape) button on your keyboard
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Today's flight took us 7,500 feet over the New York City area not once,
but twice, as we flew to and from Simsbury, Connecticut,
where a Fly-In was taking place.
We also witnessed the massive destruction of the fire-engulfed
Seaside Heights Boardwalk as well as the Rolling Thunder coaster
that will soon be demolished at Six Flags Great Adventure
to make way for a new attraction come 2014
A total of (65) photos await your perusal.
As always, I hope you enjoy the view from above...
#1 - Low, dissipating fog over
the valley near Frenchtown, NJ |
#2 - Looking north towards
Milford, NJ and the Delaware river |
#3 - Edison bridge (top) carrying the
Garden State Parkway and Route 9;
The Route 35 bridge (center) and
a rail-road bridge (lower) over the
Raritan river at Perth Amboy, NJ |
#4 - Staten Island ferry terminal |
#5 - Container shipping yard just
east of Newark International airport
in New Jersey |
#6 - Numerous, colorful containers |
#7 - Over Upper New York Bay,
looking southwest at Bayonne
and the Bayonne bridge (left) |
#8 - Same view as (#7), but now
we see various shipping
ports/piers in Bayonne |
#9 - Liberty State Park, the
Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island |
#10 - Statue of Liberty |
#11 - Ellis Island |
#12 - Staten Island ferry Battery
park terminal in Lower Manhattan |
#13 - Lower Manhattan, NY
(looking southwest) |
#14 - Freedom Tower standing
proud; slated to open in 2014 |
#15 - Stuyvesant Oval apartment
complex in Manhattan, NY |
#16 - United Nations Headquarters
in Manhattan, NY |
#17 - Various structures on the
northern half of Roosevelt Island, NY |
#18 - Looking southwest at
Midtown Manhattan, Central Park
and Roosevelt Island |
#19 - Central Park, Manhattan, NY
(looking west towards NJ) |
#20 - La Guardia airport in
Flushing, NY (looking southeast) |
#21 - Yankee Stadium, Bronx, NY |
#22 - Looking west at the
George Washington bridge linking
Upper Manhattan with Fort Lee, NJ |
#23 - George Washington bridge |
#24 - Waterbury-Oxford (OXC)
airport in Oxford, CT |
The next (2) photos are of
Quassy Amusement Park and Waterpark
in Middlebury, CT
#25 |
#26 |
#27 - Picturesque airfield in
southwestern Connecticut |
#28 - Robertson Field (4B8) airport
in Plainville, CT |
#29 - Shopping Center and adjacent
Intersection of I-84 and Route 72
in Plainville, CT |
#30 - Massive heliport at
Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation
in Stratford, CT |
#31 - Intersection Loop of the
Wilbur Cross Parkway and the
Milford Parkway in Milford, CT |
#32 - Igor I Sikorsky Memorial (BDR)
airport in Bridgeport, CT |
The following (18) photos are all
located on Long Island, New York
#33 - Northport Power Station
in Northport, NY |
#34 - Looking northeast along the
northern shore of Long Island
from Northport, NY |
#35 - Numerous watercraft moored
at Centerport, NY |
#36 - Valuable and vacant wooded
land in Huntington, NY |
#37 - Walt Whitman Shops in
Huntington Station, NY |
#38 - Republic (FRG) airport in
Farmingdale, NY |
#39 - Interchanges of I-495
(Long Island Expressway), the
Northern Parkway and Route 135
(Ralph J Marino Expressway)
in Woodbury, NY |
#40 - Looking northwest towards
Hempstead in Nassau County, NY |
#41 - Belmont Park horse-racing
facility in Hempstead, NY |
#42 - Both the Beth David and
Elmont Cemeteries take-up a
huge amount of real estate |
#43 - Looking east at the
southern shore of Long Island |
#44 - Island Park, NY |
#45 - Many school buses in
Island Park, NY await for
Monday to roll around |
#46 - Looking east along the
southern shore of Long Island,
from Island Park to Babylon, NY |
The next (4) photos are of
John F Kennedy International (JFK)
airport in Jamaica, NY
#47 - Looking northwest along the
longest runway which is nearly
3 miles (15,000 ft) in length |
#48 - Terminal area at JFK |
#49 - Looking north towards
Jamaica and Fresh Meadows, NY |
#50 - Terminal area (looking north) |
The next (8) photos are of
Seaside Heights, New Jersey,
and the massive fire that recently
engulfed the southernmost portion
of the famous Seaside Heights
Boardwalk and Funtown Pier
#51 - Fire-damaged Funtown Pier
section (upper-left) and Casino
Pier re-construction after
Hurricane Sandy (near center) |
#52 - Casino Pier re-construction
is progressing nicely at the
opposite end of the fire-damaged
Funtown Pier section of
the Seaside Heights Boardwalk |
#53 - Around (50) businesses were
destroyed by this fire that started
at the Kohr's Custard stand
on the Boardwalk |
#54 |
#55 |
#56 |
#57 - At the center-left you can
see the remains of the
Carousel and Arcade at Seaside;
Also note the two fire breaks that
were made by cutting away the
freshly re-built boardwalk after
Hurricane Sandy |
#58 |
#59 - Cattus Island Park
in Toms River, NJ |
#60 - Ocean County College
in Toms River, NJ
The next (3) photos are of
Six Flags Great Adventure
and the last you will see of the
classic, white Rolling Thunder wooden
roller-coaster which is now closed
and set to be demolished.
This is all to make way for a
new attraction called
Zumanjaro: Drop of Doom,
which will be added to
Kingda Ka's 400+ foot
high spike (shown below)
#61 |
#62 |
#63 |
#64 - Mercer County Community
College in West Windsor, NJ |
#65 - Picturesque tree/shrub nursery near Pittstown, NJ |
See you after the next flight...